Saturday, April 26, 2008

Keep Your Password Safe

What is KeePass?
Today you need to remember many passwords. You need a password for the Windows network logon, your e-mail account, your homepage's ftp password, online passwords (like CodeProject member account), etc. etc. etc. The list is endless. Also, you should use different passwords for each account. Because if you use only one password everywhere and someone gets this password you have a problem... A serious problem. The thief would have access to your e-mail account, homepage, etc. Unimaginable.

KeePass is a free/open-source password manager or safe which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key-disk. So you only have to remember one single master password or insert the key-disk to unlock the whole database. The databases are encrypted using the best and most secure encryption algorithms currently known (AES and Twofish). For more information, see the features page.

Is it really free?
Yes, KeePass is really free, and more than that: it is open-source (OSI certified). You can have a look at its full source and for example check if the encryption algorithms are implemented correctly.

Perhaps you wonder why I decided to make it open-source. The answer is relatively simple: in my opinion all software that has something to do with security should be open-source. Here's a quote of Bruce Schneier that sums it up pretty good:

As a cryptography and computer security expert, I have never understood the current fuss about the open source software movement. In the cryptography world, we consider open source necessary for good security; we have for decades. Public security is always more secure than proprietary security. It's true for cryptographic algorithms, security protocols, and security source code. For us, open source isn't just a business model; it's smart engineering practice.
Bruce Schneier, Crypto-Gram 1999/09/15

Free Online Meeting Service for Collaboration and Live Conferencing

Come to think of it. You are a businessman and you want to present something over the Internet. You want to send the file but it's too big as an attachment. What's your option?

My colleague and I were toying around this neat site for collaboration and live conferencing. Visit the site at now! See for yourself!

And yes, you can make comments over your presentation so it''s pretty handy while you are doing your talk.

Blogging here at is one way of putting important stuffs for future use.

[Sit back and Relax]

Yen Chen Support and AniManSys Tie Up for a Cost-Effective Solution

John Chu, President of Yen Chen Support (, a world-class Business Process Outsourcing company in the industry, announced the soft opening of its call center operations in Cebu last March 24. The company provides customer-outreach programs such as lead generation, web and software development, sales generation, virtual assistance, credit collection, among others.

He also cited the cost-effective telephony solution and its quick implementation by AniManSys, Inc. (AMS), a Cebu-based IT consulting and management firm, enhancing voice quality and scalability to their network. The former, he added, enables the company to deliver competitive, excellent quality services and the early start-up of its operations, substantial cost-savings.

AMS ( provides IT services, involving connectivity, assessment, security, network engineering, business process outsourcing, and consulting. It is comprised of professionals who have a combined experience of over 40 years in the field of business and Information Technology.

Spite is Not Marketing Strategy

Over the past few weeks, I've seen some individuals using spite and or attacks to try and push themselves ahead of their competitors. I imagine in their minds, painting the competition in a poor light makes their own products, skills and services look that much better. Unfortunately for them, they've missed a key lesson in both life and marketing. If you have to make someone else look bad in order to make yourself look or feel good, you've got a long way to go.

I think a well timed piece of PR can do an excellent job of showing your company in a positive light when a competitor has fallen on their face. In fact, offering a positive alternative when folks are upset with one company tends to be a great difference between portraying yourself as positive alternative and kicking someone in the ribs when they're already on the ground.

Today I'm going to show you another finished design brochure that we made for a designing company in Florida. This company was a product of my wishful thinking that someday, there will be a company outside the Philippines who will serve as my marketing arm to produce outsource projects to my team. Lucky enough in 2006, I was referred by my former boss.

The design was approved around 1AM of April 13, 2008 as I continuously coordinating with my client over Yahoo Messenger. This is the 8th project given to us and I want to quote her: "Ok this is it. I like version D. We've hit the jackpot."

Silver Hawk (code name)
Project Manager
WebSupportGroup (Your Freelance Team)
Cebu City, Philippines

Make Word of Mouth Work For You

We all know that great word of mouth builds your business, be it small or big. So why don't more businesses use client testimonials in their marketing campaigns? Because they aren't sure how to get the conversation started. One painless way to get customers or even your online visitors to tell you what they like about you or the services you offer is to provide blogs.

Simply put, a blog is like a journal or updates of your business. If your best clients spend a lot of time on the Web, consider doing a Web log, or blog, to keep customers or your contacts up-to-date on what's happening with your company. Blogs allow your customers a chance to comment back, creating a closed communication loop. This is the essence of relationship marketing, keeping the conversation flowing between you and your target market.

Since the time I started doing blogs, I enjoyed looking at the number of visitors reading my entries. It's a challenge on how to entice, intrigue and educate your online visitors.

Don't be afraid of feedback. Your best and most challenging critic are your customers.

I'm a self-confessed blog addict (minus the coffee...LOL).

Online Printing Services

In today's technology, everything is possible. Imagine yourself looking at a Sony 42" Plasma TV and you see the future! Are you still with me? Good! (grins)

Two days ago, a friend of mine who is working as a teacher in USA asked me to help her out over Yahoo Messenger. We do this everytime she has a problem with her computer, including asking me to do "Online Reading" - yeah! LOL. Okay, I'm her "virtual troubleshooter". Jokingly she said, "Heck, if we're having a surgery now and I'm your nurse? Surgery through Net?"

Moving on. My client in Florida sent me an email again and gave me instructions on how to resize the layout of the brochure. Upload the file then test it at

The beauty of "Overnight Prints" is you upload your layout, preview it then order their services online. Of course you need that plastic card (Credit Card) to process your payment online. So what's in store for us here? Well, this is something geek but cool. Don't you think?

Oh, one more thing. This is not a paid advertisement. LOL

Self-confessed blog addict,

Silver Hawk (blog name)
Project Manager
Cebu City, Philippines

The Birth of File Sharing Sites

It is my extreme pleasure to present to you a couple of good file sharing sites that I've been using for my freelance work.

Sending a big file (1MB?) via email is sometimes a hassle for us especially those who are working with team mates over the Internet and submitting important files to our clients.

You can either use or Your call!

The best part here is, it's for FREE!

If you have an opinion to express, or a tip to share? Head over to and let us know about it!

Silver Hawk (code name)
Project Manager
WebSupportGroup (Your Freelance Team)
Cebu City, Philippines

How Do You Review Someone Else's Design?

I was invited to work on a project for a food package to redesign and focus on improving the image of their product. This was not an easy task because as an outsider from this Food Company (name withheld), I must put myself on their shoes of how they want to present their brand name and products altogether.

At 8:30PM, Saturday (Jan. 19, 2008) I got an email from my graphic artist for his design studies and discussed with him the details and revisions over the phone minutes after. We discussed a lot of stuff of how I perceived the image. This is a repeat client so I know how satisfied they are with our services.

I love this type of freelance work aside from having a regular day time job because this increases my network. I don't have an advertising background from college but being aware of my thoughts and how sensitive I am to the designing process has lead me to some heights creating and molding my freelance team of graphic artists and web developers. I'm a creative person if you look at it from a different angle.

One example I shared with my graphic artist is when buying a cake. First, you look at how it was presented. Check the name tag and lastly you look at the price. Price comes with quality. And I don't think you can ask the counter for a free tasting! (chuckles)

I help individuals earn extra living as we help each other grow collectively. I'm happy as long as they are happy with what they earn from each project.

This is another blog worth sharing for those aspiring entrepreneurs here and abroad.

All the best for 2008!

Silver Hawk (code name)
Project Manager
WebSupportGroup (Your Freelance Team)
Cebu City, Philippines