Saturday, April 26, 2008

Online Printing Services

In today's technology, everything is possible. Imagine yourself looking at a Sony 42" Plasma TV and you see the future! Are you still with me? Good! (grins)

Two days ago, a friend of mine who is working as a teacher in USA asked me to help her out over Yahoo Messenger. We do this everytime she has a problem with her computer, including asking me to do "Online Reading" - yeah! LOL. Okay, I'm her "virtual troubleshooter". Jokingly she said, "Heck, if we're having a surgery now and I'm your nurse? Surgery through Net?"

Moving on. My client in Florida sent me an email again and gave me instructions on how to resize the layout of the brochure. Upload the file then test it at

The beauty of "Overnight Prints" is you upload your layout, preview it then order their services online. Of course you need that plastic card (Credit Card) to process your payment online. So what's in store for us here? Well, this is something geek but cool. Don't you think?

Oh, one more thing. This is not a paid advertisement. LOL

Self-confessed blog addict,

Silver Hawk (blog name)
Project Manager
Cebu City, Philippines

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